Planning Applications

What aspects are planning consultants involved in?

A planning consultant can be involved as little or as much as a client requires, but typically the main areas of work include:

  • Conducting research into the town planning feasibility of the development, which will include assessing the local area, reviewing Local Plans, and assessing the current situation in terms of other developments or planning applications in the area.

  • Working with and appointing design experts to create all development and design briefs, which will be included in the planning application for consideration.

  • Researching and assessing what the impacts of the project would be on the locality. Conducting surveys on drainage, wildlife and arboriculture for example, as required.

  • For large projects, there will often be the need for Local Plan representations, or public exhibitions of the plans, which need to be organised and managed.

  • The submission of planning applications, and if required, conducting a Section 78 appeal. Monitoring the progress of the applications and providing advice and guidance if clarification is sought by the relevant Planning Authority.

  • Once approved, managing the final detailed design drawings or selling the plot or site on the open market for agreed fees.